
Daily Blog

The front yard of the house has been slowly flooding. We have a water break. At first the landlords were not into fixing it. The flooding was getting worse and worse everyday. Soon our house was going to be under siege with water. We phoned the city and they came and said the landlords have to fix it because it is on their property. The landlords did, next day a plumber came and dug up the earth and fixed the pipe. WE DRY and SAFE


Daily Blog

Here is Amira Routledge, she is an artist and also works in set design/construction at Scenic Oasis Film. She lets me come into her work to scavenge off cuts piece of wood and other material that needs rescuing. Thanks Amira!


Daily Blog

Here is Denise Fortova, who is a visual artist in the August show. Here we are making art on found off cuts pieces of wood. It will be used in a big sculpture for the show.


Daily Blog

Here is Anwar Nasr-he is one of the artist involved in the next show happening August 25th. Here he is creating a sculpture with clay on a beautiful day outside at the Wheel of Time Gallery.



Daily Blog

Today I was at Tech Art Woodworks. I was drilling out the circles for the Glyph Your Self project. The circles will get attached to the house.



Daily Blog

This project has inspiration rooted with the Tibetan monks, who construct Sand Mandalas. I would love to have Sand Mandala monks be a part of this house at some point.   Tibetan Buddhist tradition involving the creation and destruction of mandalas made from coloured sand. A sand mandala is ritualistically dismantled once it has been completed and its accompanying ceremonies and viewing are finished to symbolize the Buddhist doctrinal belief in the transitory nature of material life.

Today there was a Buddhist festival in Vancouver. I thought I would go and look for some monks. I didn’t find what I was looking for but I did find Ari Lazer and his spinning wheels!


Daily Blog

Today, Emily Grey told me about a fan that was outside her housing complex. The owners of the property are renovating their suite and took out this old fan. For next show in August Cycle #4, I envisioning installing a windmill type structure on a big sculpture installation on the front of the house. Emily is one of the visual artist involved in the next show. The day she told she was in for being a part of the show, the next day this fan appeared. She quickly messaged me and I came over an scoped up the fan. It spins! 


Daily Blog

Today, we added white panels to our walls. We made these theatre walls panels from the donated theatre panels. We cut them down to fit the space–added some hinges–added some white donated paint– and da da–we have rooms within rooms. More Gallery space and now we can hide the kitchen


Daily Blog

Today I was organizing the space. I need to stash my skill saw. I made a simple table and used some of the free paint I have kicking around.



Daily Blog

Today at Byrne Creek. I saw about 16 old school overhead projectors. Word got around the school I was interested in them. The lovely Sandy Lovett  who is the office power house power center, said the school approved me taking them. I took only 2. I am trying to control my self when getting materials and other goodies. Limits are good for me. Thank you Byrne Creek. The school that does not stop giving!